Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section: Section 6. Pelvis, Perineum, Hip, and Upper Thigh
Ronald A. Bergman, Ph.D., Adel K. Afifi, M.D., Jean J. Jew, M.D., and Paul
C. Reimann, B.S.
Peer Review Status: Externally Peer Reviewed
Upper Left Quadrant |
Lower Left Quadrant |
Lower Right Quadrant |
Upper Right Quadrant |
1. Linea alba |
15. Ligamentum teres femoris |
31. Vertebra, S5 |
48. Femoral head |
This section is at the level of the fifth sacral vertebra (31) slightly above the fifth anterior pair of sacral foramina. The cut passes through the upper portion of the acetabulum (16) and the upper part of the head of the femur (14, 48).
The external iliac artery (55) will pass beneath the inguinal ligament in this section to become the femoral artery in the next cut.
Note the vesical plexus of veins (25) surrounding the bladder. These veins communicate with the prostatic plexus of veins, which will be seen in subsequent sections.
The tendons of origin of the rectus femoris muscle (11) are seen: the "straight" tendon is attached to the anterior inferior iliac spine, and the posterior "reflected" tendon is attached to the posterior superior surface of the acetabulum. The two tendons unite to form an arch over the acetabulum.
The spermatic cords (3, 57) are well defined on both the right and left sides in this section. The vas deferens (27, 34) can be seen between the urinary bladder (28) and the ampulla of the rectum (29). Both ureters are intramural and cannot be seen in this cut.
The iliopectineal bursa (9) is identified.
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