Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus IV: Organ Systems: Female Genital System
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
The chief anomalous conditions of the uterus are due to defective development or imperfect fusion of the müllerian ducts, which unite to form the usual organ. Arrested development of the lower part of these fetal canals accounts for the complete absence of the uterus and vagina. Depending on the extent to which failure of fusion occurs, all degrees of doubling are produced. In the most pronounced cases, in which the müllerian ducts remain separate throughout their entire length, two completely distinct uteri and vaginae may result, each set being capable of performing the functions of the normal organs. On the other hand, a slight indentation of the fundus may be the only evidence of imperfect union. Between these extremes all gradations occur: a) the body may be completely cleft (uterus bicornis), with or without divided cervix; b) the doubling may be partial and limited to branching of the fundus; or c) the faulty fusion may be manifested by only a partitution, more or less complete, that divides the uterine cavity into two compartments (uterus eptus), although the external form of the organ is almost or quite normal.
When, occuring with any of the variations listed above, one of the component müllerian ducts fail to keep pace in its growth, all degrees of symmetrical development may result, from complete suppression of one of the tubes in a bicornate uterus to unilateral diminution of the fundus. Subsequent arrest of what began as normal development may result in permanent retention of a fetal or infantile type of uterus.
Cases of congenital absence of the os uteri, tripartite uteri, uterine diverticula, and uterus have been reported.
Uterine and Vaginal Variations
Pregnancy in the Right Horn of a Completely Bicornate Uterus
Magnetic Resonance Image of Bicornate Uterus
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