Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus IV: Organ Systems
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
A |
Uterus didelphys |
B |
Uterus duplex bicornis bicollis, vagina simplex |
C |
Uterus bicornis unicollis, vagina simplex |
D |
Uterus septus |
E |
Uterus subseptus |
F |
Uterus arcuatus or uterus cordiformis |
G |
Uterus unicornis |
H |
Uterus simplex (the usual form) (also O) |
I |
Uterus subseptus unicorporeus with septate cervix |
J |
Uterus septus duplex (uterus bilocularis) |
K |
Uterus bicornis, unilateral rudimentarius |
L |
Uterus with closed accessory horn |
M |
Case: Uterus, small as a thumbnail. Right tube normal. Left tube replaced by a strand of fibrous tissue. Both ovaries appeared grossly normal and were actually twice the size of the uterus. There was no cervxx. The vagina was one inch long (2.54 cm) and about three-eighths of an inch wide (0.95 cm). |
N |
Case: Illustration demonstrating uterus duplex (bicornis) unicollis with a vaginal septum dividing the vagina into a blind pouch and a left normal vagina. Each member had a single normal tube and an associated normal ovary |
O |
Normal uterus |
Redrawn from Weintrob, M. Abnormalities of the female genitalia. J. Int. Coll. Surgeons7:381-396, 1944; and from Jarcho, J. Malformations of the uterus. Review of the subject, including embryology, comparative anatomy, diagnosis and report of cases. Am. J. Surg. 71:106-166, 1946.
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