Atlas of Human Anatomy
Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Magnified View (via Quicktime VR)
I) Talus.
a) Body.
b) Neck.
c) Head.
d) Inferior articular surface (for the body of the calcaneus).
e) Anterior articular surface (for the anterior process of the calcaneus).
f) Superior surface of the trochlea.
II) Calcaneus
g) Peroneal trochlea of calcaneus.
h) Tuberosity of calcaneus.
i) Anterior process of the calcaneus.
k) Anterior cuboidal surface.
l) Sustentacular tali (lateral process).
III) Os Navicular.
IV) Os cuneiform, I.
V) Os cuneiform, II.
VI) Os cuneiform, III.
VII) Os Cuboid.
m) Sulcus of os cuboid (for the tendon of m peroneus longus).
n) Body of metatarsal bone.
o) Base of cuboid.
p) Head of cuboid.
q) Tuberosity of ossa metatarsi V.
r) Ossa sesamoides of great toe.
s) Plantar tubercle of ossis metatarsal of the great toe.
t) Tuberosity of os navicular.
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