Atlas of Human Anatomy
Translated by: Ronald A. Bergman, PhD and Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Magnified View (via Quicktime VR)
A) Frontal bone.
B) Parietal bone.
C) Temporal bone.
D) Sphenoid bone, greater wing.
E) Zygomatic bone.
F) Maxilla.
G) Nasal bone.
H) Mandible.
a) Frontal eminence (ossification center).
b) Superciliary arch (covered by m. corrugator supercilii).
d) Glabella (the frontal sinus behind).
e) Supraorbital margin (covered by the external stratum of m. orbicularis palpebrarum).
f) Superorbital fissure (in some skulls, a foramen) (passage for supraorbital
artery, vein, and nerve).
g) Zygomatic process.
h) Temporal line.
i) Semicircular line (the boundry of the planum semicircular from which m. temporalis
k) Coronal suture.
l) Parietal eminence.
m) Temporal bone, squamous part (origin of m temporalis).
n) Temporal bone, mastoid part.
o) Temporal bone, mastoid process.
p) Mastoid notch or groove.
q) External auditory meatus.
r) Zygomatic arch (zygomatic process of the temporal bone) (origin of mm.masseter
and attrahens auriculae and temporozygomatic suture).
s) Zygomatic bone, temporal process.
t) Zygomatic bone, frontal process (frontozygomatic suture).
u) Zygomatic bone, maxillary process.
v) Zygomaticoorbital foramen (passage for zygomaticofacial nerve of the cheek).
w) Maxilla bone, zygomatic process.
x) Maxillary depression (origin of the m. levator anguli oris).
y) Infraorbital foramen.
z) Maxillary tuberosity.
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