Ronald A. Bergman, Ph.D., Adel K. Afifi, M.D., Paul M. Heidger,
Jr., Ph.D.
Peer Review Status: Externally Peer Reviewed
20% formalin,
Bielschowsky's method, 612 x.
Molecular layer: Most superficial layer of the cerebellar cortex. It is sparsely cellular and largely synaptic.
Basket cell: A large variety of stellate cells deep in the molecular layer in the vicinity of Purkinje cells. Axons run transversely in the molecular layer and send collaterals that arborize around the perikarya of Purkinje cells like a basket.
Purkinje cell: Single row of large, flask-shaped cells. Form a distinct layer bordering the molecular and granule cell layers. Dendrites arborize richly in the molecular layer. These cells are named after Johannes Purkinje, a Bohemian physiologist, who described them in 1837.
Granule cell layer: Closely packed with chromatic nuclei of small granule cell neurons. Major input to the cerebellum projects into this layer.
Golgi Type II: This type of cerebellar neuron is found in the upper part of the granule cell layer close to the Purkinje cell layer. Larger than the granule cell neuron. Dendrites arborize extensively in the molecular layer. Axons establish synapses with dendrites of granule cells in the glomeruli of the granule cell layer. It is estimated that there is one Golgi Type II cell for every 10 Purkinje cells.
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