Ronald A. Bergman, Ph.D., Adel K. Afifi, M.D., Paul M. Heidger,
Jr., Ph.D.
Peer Review Status: Externally Peer Reviewed
Human, 10% formalin, hematoxylin and carmine stains, 162 x.
Medullary core: The white matter of the cerebellum contains nerve fibers that carry the afferent input and efferent output of the cerebellum.
Granular layer: Closely packed with the nuclei of small neurons (granule cells). Receives the major input to the cerebellum (the mossy fiber input).
Purkinje cell: Single row of large flask-shaped neurons. Dendrites arborize richly in the molecular layer. Axons exit in the medullary core but are not seen in this preparation.
Molecular layer: This is the most superficial layer. It is sparsely cellular and is largely a synaptic layer. It is primarily composed of the dendrites of Purkinje, stellate, Golgi, and basket cells and axons of granule cells.
Blood vessel: Located in the subarachnoid space, blood vessels penetrate deeply into folds of the cerebellum to nourish and remove metabolic waste products from the nerve cells and neuroglia..
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