Ronald A. Bergman, Ph.D., Adel K. Afifi, M.D., Paul M. Heidger,
Jr., Ph.D.
Peer Review Status: Externally Peer Reviewed
In studying a histological preparation, you should acquaint yourself with the following: (a) the name of the organ or tissue; (b) the animal from which it was prepared; (c) the method of fixation (or preservative) employed; (d) the thickness of the tissue slice; and (e) the stain or stain combination used. A sample slide label containing all of the above information is shown below.
(a) |
Duodenum |
(b) |
Human |
(c) |
Helly's Fluid |
(d) |
6 µm |
(e) |
Hematoxylin and Eosin |
It is essential to understand the meaning of each of these notations if you are to gain the maximalamount of information from your subsequent study of the slide.
After a careful reading of the slide label and preparation for study of the microscope slide, examine the slide with the naked eye and/or the microscope ocular and note any gross features of the section that indicate distinctive structural arrangements to be studied with the microscope. These features include size, color, shape, and component parts. If the section is composed of different parts, note their relationship and staining differences, if any.
Examine the section to determine whether the tissue was cut from a larger piece and whether any natural surfaces are present. This will aid your subsequent study at higher magnification. This should be followed by a systematic scanning of the section by the lowest power objective to identify further and locate the components of the tissue. With the low power (10 X objective), continue the study, paying particular attention to smaller and more subtle staining and structural details. The high dry lens (~43 X) will allow the study of most of the details found in routine histologic sections. Switching the lenses frequently from the lowest to the highest magnification will facilitate the study and prevent overlooking important component parts of the section.
The oil immersion lens (100 x) should be used for the study of cytological and other minute tissue components and is best saved for the final stages of study. The oil should be used sparingly; it may interfere with the study of a slide at low magnifications and may come in contact with the high dry objective lens. If contaminated, the lenses should be carefully wiped only with a high-quality, clean lens paper. The use of solvents such as xylol can severely damage or ruin a fine microscope lens. If it is necessary to use a lens cleaner, caution should be exercised.
With practice, most microscopic anatomists find that additional details can be seen by making continuous fine adjustments of the focus at higher magnifications in order to visualize structures more superficial or deep in their histologic sections. This method of continual fine focus adjustment permits the tracing of structures and their relationships through the full thickness of the tissue section. The three-dimensional effect gained adds a richness that is lost if this technique is not used.
Simple sketches of the important features of the tissue section are valuable aids to subsequent review of the major features of the tissue studied. The development of this skill is a valuable technique in the learning process, as it requires attention to detail in translating the visual image to a drawing that will have lasting value in forming a permanent mental image.
When your study of the microscope slide is complete, carefully clean again with lens paper any oil or fingerprints from the section coverglass and slide.
The preparation of microscope slides is very costly and in some instances the sections may be, for other reasons, irreplaceable. Use one slide at a time, replacing it in the slide container before removing another for study.
*1 µm = 1/25,400 inch = 1/1000 mm = 10,000 Å = 1000 nm.
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