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Anatomy Atlases: Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section 6: Pelvis, Perineum, Hip, and Upper Thigh

Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section: Section 6. Pelvis, Perineum, Hip, and Upper Thigh

Plate 6.12

Ronald A. Bergman, Ph.D., Adel K. Afifi, M.D., Jean J. Jew, M.D., and Paul C. Reimann, B.S.
Peer Review Status: Externally Peer Reviewed

Plate 6.12

Upper Left Quadrant

Lower Left Quadrant

Lower Right Quadrant

Upper Right Quadrant

1. Dorsal nerve of penis
2. Dorsal v. of penis
3. Tendon m. gracilis and prostatic plexus of vv.
4. Ductus deferens (vas deferens)
5. Spermatic cord, pampiniform plexus
6. Femoral Iymph node
7. Femoral nerve
8. Embalming site artifact
9. Obturator externus m.
10. Sartorius m.
11. First perforating a. and perforating vv.
12. Iliopsoas m.

13. Obturator externus m.
14. Femoral neck
15. Iliopsoas m. tendon
16. Tendon and m. gluteus medius (last appearance)
17. Gluteus maximus m. and tendon
18. Panniculus adiposus (superficial fascia)
19. Sciatic nerve
20. Inferior gluteal a. and v.
21. Sacrotuberous ligament
22. Pudendal canal (Alcock), internal pudendal a. and v., and pudendal nerve
23. Inferior fascia of pelvic diaphragm
24. Ischiorectal fossa
25. Prostate gland
26. Levator ani m.
27. Rectum, tunica muscularis

28. Coccyx
29. Rectal columns (of Morgagni)
30. Prostatic urethra
31. Prostatic abscess
32. Levator ani m., sling of puborectalis, and rectoanal junction
33. Internal pudendal a. and v. and pudendal nerve
34. Obturator internus m. with reflected tendon
35. Ischial tuberosity
36. Posterior (femoral) cutaneous nerve (of thigh)
37. Sciatic nerve
38. Quadratus femoris m.
39. Gluteus maximus m.
40. Trochanteric bursa of gluteus maximus m.
41. Tendon m. gluteus maximus
42. Femur, greater trochanter
43. Femoral neck and vastus lateralis m.
44. Tensor fascia lata m.
45. Vastus intermedius m.

46. First perforating a. and perforating w.
47. Iliopsoas m. and tendon
48. Rectus femoris m. and tendon
49. Deep femoral v. joining femoral v.
50. Deep femoral a.
51. Femoral nerve
52. Femoral a. and v.
53. Obturator nerve, posterior ramus
54. Pectineus m.
55. Adductor magnus m.
56. Adductor longus m.
57. Pubis
58. Vas deferens and spermatic cord
59. Pampiniform plexus of w.
60. Adductor brevis m.
61. Arcuate ligament of pubis
62. Linea alba
63. Penile blood vessels

This section passes through the coccyx (28) and pubis (57). It cuts the femoral neck (14, 43), the edge of the greater trochanter (42), and the ischial tuberosities (35).

The proximal part of the penis and its blood supply (63) are seen. The pampiniform plexus of veins (5, 59) can be seen within the spermatic cords, which flank the proximal part of the penis. The prostatic plexus of veins (3) can be found adjacent to the dorsal veins of the penis (2).

The prostate (25) and the prostatic urethra (30) are shown. Note the pathologic enlargement on the left side and the abscess in the prostate gland (31).

The puborectalis muscle (26, 32), a part of levator and, forms a sling around the distal end of the digestive tube and marks the rectoanal junction.

The femoral artery and vein have branched, forming the first perforating artery and veins (11, 46). The deep femoral vein (49) can be seen joining the femoral vein (52).

Adductor brevis (60), adductor longus (56), adductor magnus (55), the tendon of origin of gracilis (3), vastus intermedius (45), and vastus lateralis (43) are seen for the first time. Gluteus medius muscle (16) is seen for the last time.

The pudendal blood vessels and nerve are seen in the pudendal canal (22, 33).

The inferior fascia of the pelvic diaphragm (23) and the rectal columns (of Morgagni) (29) can be identified.

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