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Anatomy Atlases: Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section: Section 6: Pelvis, Perineum, Hip, and Upper Thigh

Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section: Section 6. Pelvis, Perineum, Hip, and Upper Thigh

Plate 6.2 Pelvis, Perineum, Hip, and Upper Thigh: Male

Ronald A. Bergman, Ph.D., Adel K. Afifi, M.D., Jean J. Jew, M.D., and Paul C. Reimann, B.S.
Peer Review Status: Externally Peer Reviewed

Plate 6.2

Upper Left Quadrant

Lower Left Quadrant

Lower Right Quadrant

Upper Right Quadrant

1. Median and lateral umbilical ligaments
2. Inferior epigastric a.
3. Ileum
4. Greater omentum
5. Common iliac a.
6. Ureter
7. Testicular a. and v.
8. Median sacral a. and v.
9. Iliohypogastric nerve
10. Ascending colon

11. Common iliac v.
12. Psoas major m.
13. Iliacus m.
14. Gluteus medius m.
15. Posterior abdominal wall fat
16. Superficial fascia (panniculus adiposus)
17. Obturator nerve
18. Fifth lumbar nerve and anterior sacroiliac ligament
19. Intervertebral v.
20. Erector spinae m.
21. First sacral nerve and ligamentum flavum
22. Multifidus m.
23. Internal vertebral arterial and venous plexuses
24. Vertebra, L5

25. Spinous process, L5
26. Thecal sac
27. Inferior articular process, L5
28. Articular cavity
29. Superior articular process, sacral
30. Ilium
31. Fifth lumbar nerve
32. Obturator nerve and fourth lumbar nerve
33. Femoral nerve
34. Superior gluteal nerve and gluteus medius m.
35. Iliacus m.
36. Ilioinguinal nerve
37. Inferior vena cava br. forming left common iliac v.
38. Descending colon
39. Iliac crest
40. An insertion of external oblique and an origin of internal oblique and transversus mm.

41. Genitofemoral nerve
42. Ureter
43. Transversus abdominis m.
44. Internal abdominal oblique m.
45. External abdominal oblique m.
46. Common iliac a.
47. Lateral (femoral) cutaneous nerve (of thigh)
48. Jejunal aa.
49. Semilunar line
50. Abdominal aortic plexus and superior rectal a. and v.
51. Transverse colon
52. Rectus abdominis m.
53. Rectus (abdominis) sheath
54. Linea alba

This section is through the middle of the fifth lumbar vertebra (24) at the inferior edge of the transverse process. The superior (29) and inferior (27) articular processes and the intervertebral joint (28) between L5 and S1 are seen.

The distal end of the inferior vena cave is seen branching to the left to form the left common iliac vein (37). The inferior vena cave (37) makes its last appearance at this level.

The right common iliac vein (11) is already present at this level.

The ureters (6, 42) can be seen flanking the common iliac arteries (5, 46).

The iliohypogastric nerve (9) is seen at the iliac crest (39), where it will leave the greater or abdominal pelvis and move anteriorly between the transverse abdominis and internal oblique muscles to the anterior abdominal wall.

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