Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section: Section 5. Lower Thorax (Lungs) and Abdomen
Ronald A. Bergman, Ph.D., Adel K. Afifi, M.D., Jean J. Jew, M.D., and Paul
C. Reimann, B.S.
Peer Review Status: Externally Peer Reviewed
Upper Left Quadrant |
Lower Left Quadrant |
Lower Right Quadrant |
Upper Right Quadrant |
1. Rectus abdominis m. |
8. Liver, right lobe |
23. Supraspinous ligament |
36. Stomach |
This section passes through the lower third of the eleventh thoracic vertebra (20). It cuts ribs 11 (17), 10 (13), 9 (10), 8 (38), 7 (40, 43), and 6 (43) and the xiphoid process (45), which makes its last appearance in this section.
This section is still dominated by the liver (8). The left lobe of the liver (42) is diminishing in size, and the caudate lobe (5) is well defined. The transverse colon (41), stomach (36), and spleen (33) fill the left side of the abdomen. The hilum of the spleen contains the splenic vein (32), but the artery is out of the plane of section.
The right suprarenal gland (14) and the superior surface of the right kidney (16) make their first appearance.
The superior epigastric artery (44), inferior phrenic artery (31), hemiazygos vein (27), thoracic aorta (25), azygos vein (19), inferior vena cave (11), hepatic vein (9), and portal vein (4) are all identified in this section.
The greater (28) and lesser (27) splanchnic nerves (preganglionic sympathetic) are found.
The gastrocolic (37), anterior longitudinal (24), and supraspinous (23) ligaments may be seen.
Celiac Iymph nodes (35) may be found between the stomach (36) and the caudate lobe of the liver (5).
The thoracic cavity (28) contains small portions of lung, which make their final appearance in this section: left lower lobe posterior basal (30) and right lower lobe posterior basal (15).
Two of the three divisions of the erector spinae muscle are identified in this cut: longissimus (26) and multifidus (21). Other muscles include the diaphragm (3,29), latissimus dorsi (12), intercostal muscles (7), and rectus abdominis (1).
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