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Anatomy Atlases: Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section: Section 2. Neck, Shoulders, Upper Arm, and Upper Thorax (Lungs)

Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section: Section 2. Neck, Shoulders, Upper Arm, and Upper Thorax (Lungs)

Plate 2.7a

Ronald A. Bergman, Ph.D., Adel K. Afifi, M.D., Jean J. Jew, M.D., and Paul C. Reimann, B.S.
Peer Review Status: Externally Peer Reviewed

Plate 2.7a

Upper Left Quadrant

Lower Left Quadrant

1. Anterior jugular v.
2. Tendon m. sternocleidomastoid
3. Recurrent laryngeal nerve and vertebral body, T2
4. Vertebral a. and intervertebral disk, T3
5. Common carotid a.
6. Internal jugular v. and vagus nerve, CN 10
7. Clavicle
8. External jugular v. joining subclavian v., and valve leaflet
9. Subclavian a.
10. Phrenic nerve
11. Anterior jugular v. and internal thoracic a.
12. Subclavius m.
13. Lung, right upper lobe, apical segment
14. Axillary v.
15. Azygos v.
16. Pectoralis minor m.
17. Pectoralis major m.
18. Brachial plexus of nerves
19. Lateral pectoral nerve and thoracoacromial a. and v., pectoral brs.
20. Axillary a.
21. Intercostal m.
22. Biceps brachii, short head m.
23. Coracobrachialis m.
24. Tendon m. biceps brachii, long head
25. Humerus, greater tubercle
26. Humerus, neck
27. Humerus, lesser tubercle
28. Teres major m.
29. Subscapularis m.

30. Triceps brachii, lateral head m.
31. Posterior circumflex humeral a. and v. and axillary nerve in quadrangular space
32. Thoracodorsal nerve
33. Circumflex scapular a. and v., ventral brs.
34. Triceps brachii, long head m.
35. Scapula
36. Suprascapular a. and v., infraspinatus brs.
37. Teres minor m.
38. Scapula
39. Costovertebral articulation and rib 4, head
40. Subscapularis m.
41. Intercostal neurovascular bundle
42. Lung, right upper lobe, posterior segment
43. Infraspinatus m.
44. Scapula
45. Intercostal mm.
46. Thoracolumbar fascia
47. Serratus anterior m.
48. Scapula
49. Scapula, medial margin
50. Vertebra, T3 body
51. Vertebra, T3 lamina

This section passes through the isthmus of the thyroid gland (113), trachea (112), esophagus (111), upper segments of the lungs (13, 99), and thoracic vertebrae 2 (3) and 3 (50). It cuts the axillary artery (20) and veins (14, 100).

This section contains numerous important arterial and venous vessels. Arterial vessels include the inferior thyroid (110), common carotid (5, 107), internal thoracic (11, 103), subclavian (9, 101), circumflex scapular (33, G8), posterior circumflex humeral (31), and thoracoacromial (19). Identifiable veins include the internal jugular and subclavian (6, 8, 105,108), external jugular (8,104), suprascapular (36,102), axillary (14,88,100), transverse cervical (97), cephalic (91), circumflex scapular (33, 68), posterior circumflex humeral (31), thoracoacromial (19), azygos (15), and anterior jugular (1, 11).

The left lung bronchopulmonary segments are the left upper lobe and division, anterior segment (99), and left upper lobe and division, apical posterior segment (70). The right

lung segments include the right upper lobe, posterior segment (42), and right upper lobe, apical segment (13).

The brachial plexus of nerves is seen in the axilla (18, 86). The vagus (6, 107) and recurrent laryngeal (3, 110) nerves are seen. Note the position of the recurrent nerves between the esophagus (111) and trachea (112).

Muscles associated with the scapula include the serratus anterior (47,67), subscapularis (40, 62), teres major (28, 78), teres minor (37, 66), infraspinatus (43, 63), rhomboideus major (58), and the long head of the triceps muscles (30, 73).

The thyroid gland isthmus usually lies at the level of the seventh cervical vertebra in the true transverse plane. This section is slightly slanted so that the organ appears to lie at a level between the second and third thoracic vertebrae.

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