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Anatomy Atlases: Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section: Section 2. Neck, Shoulders, Upper Arm, and Upper Thorax (Lungs)

Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section: Section 2. Neck, Shoulders, Upper Arm, and Upper Thorax (Lungs)

Plate 2.4

Ronald A. Bergman, Ph.D., Adel K. Afifi, M.D., Jean J. Jew, M.D., and Paul C. Reimann, B.S.
Peer Review Status: Externally Peer Reviewed

Plate 2.4

Upper Left Quadrant

Lower Left Quadrant

Lower Right Quadrant

Upper Right Quadrant

1. Laryngeal prominence
2. Rima glottidis, pars intercartilaginea
3. Pharynx, inferior constrictor m.
4. Thyrohyoid m.
5. Thyroid cartilage
6. Vertebra, C7 body
7. Omohyoid m.
8. Thyroid gland
9. Common carotid a.
10. Vagus nerve
11. Internal jugular v.
12. Cervical nerve, C8
13. Cervical nerve, C7
14. Transverse process, C7
15. Clavicle
16. Subclavius m.
17. Tendon m. subscapularis
18. Humerus, lesser tubercle
19. Scapula, acromion process
20. Articular process, T1

21. Infraspinatus m., insertion
22. Scapula, glenoid process
23. Suprascapular a., v., and nerve
24. Serratus anterior m.
25. Infraspinatus m.
26. Scapular spine
27. Scapula
28. Suprascapular a., v., and nerve
29. Deltoid m., fascial origin from scapular spine
30. Scapular spine
31. Supraspinatus m.
32. Scapula
33. Serratus anterior m.
34. Rhomboideus major m.
35. Semispinalis capitis m.
36. Vertebra, T1 vertebral arch

37. Supraspinous ligament
38. Vertebra, C7, spinous process
39. Trapezius m.
40. Splenius cervicis m.
41. Rhomboideus major m.
42. Semispinalis capitis m.
43. Rhomboideus minor m.
44. Multifidus m.
45. Longissimus capitis m.
46. Scapula
47. Scapular spine
48. Longissimus cervicis m.
49. Supraspinatus m.
50. Subscapularis m.
51. Infraspinatus m.
52. Scapula
53. Scapular notch, suprascapular a., v., or nerve
54. Deltoid m.
55. Suprascapular a., v., and nerve
56. Scapula, glenoid process
57. Serratus anterior m.
58. Humeral head

59. Costotransverse ligament
60. Tendon m. subscapularis
61. Rib 1
62. Clavicle
63. Vertebra, T1 lamina
64. Supraclavicular nerve
65. External jugular v.
66. Cervical nerve, C5
67. Cervical nerve, C4
68. Supraclavicular nerve
69. Vertebral a.
70. Internal jugular v.
71. Common carotid a.
72. Sternocleidomastoid m.
73. Inferior constrictor m., pars thyropharyngea
74. Transverse and oblique arytenoid mm.
75. Cricoid cartilage, lamina
76. Elastic cone
77. Arytenoid cartilage
78. Vocal ligament
79. Rima glottidis, pars intermembranacea

This section passes through the laryngeal prominence of the thyroid cartilage (1), rime glottidis (79), vocal ligament (78), arytenoid cartilage (77), elastic cone (76), cricoid cartilage (75), and the transverse and oblique arytenoid muscles (74). The laryngopharynx is closed (3). The inferior constrictor (73) is deep to the pharynx and arises from the oblique line of the thyroid cartilage to join its counterpart from the opposite side at the midline pharyngeal rapine. The section also cuts the seventh cervical (6) and the first thoracic vertebrae (63) and the first rib (61), which is seen for the first time. The thyroid gland (8) also makes its first appearance in this section.

The glenohumeral articulation is seen. The humeral head (58) fits the shallow depression in the glenoid process of the scapula (56). The tendon of subscapularis (17, 60) is seen inserting onto the humeral head as is the tendon of infraspinatus (21). Subscapularis inserts onto the lesser tubercle (18) and shaft of the humerus immediately below it. Infraspinatus inserts onto the middle facet of the greater tubercle of the humerus.

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