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Anatomy Atlases: Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section: Section 2. Neck, Shoulders, Upper Arm, and Upper Thorax (Lungs)

Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section: Section 2. Neck, Shoulders, Upper Arm, and Upper Thorax (Lungs)

Plate 2.2

Ronald A. Bergman, Ph.D., Adel K. Afifi, M.D., Jean J. Jew, M.D., and Paul C. Reimann, B.S.
Peer Review Status: Externally Peer Reviewed

Plate 2.2

Upper Left Quadrant

Lower Left Quadrant

Lower Right Quadrant

Upper Right Quadrant

1. Laryngopharynx
2. Hyoglossus m.
3. Stylohyoid m.
4. Submandibular gland
5. Hyoid bone, greater horn
6. Superior laryngeal nerves (external and internal brs.)
7. Common carotid a.
8. Longus capitis m.
9. Sternocleidomastoid m.
10. Internal jugular v.
11. Vertebral a.
12. Ganglion, dorsal root C4

13. Middle scalene m.
14. Humeral head
15. Deltoid m.
16. Clavicle
17. Triceps brachii m.
18. Trapezius m.
19. Infraspinatus m.
20. Scapular spine
21. Deep cervical v.
22. Transverse cervical a., v., and spinal necessary nerve
23. Vertebra, C6 body
24. Subarachnoid space

25. Interscapular fat
26. Ligamentum nuchae
27. Vertebra, C5 spinous process
28. Spinal cord
29. Multifidus m.
30. Semispinalis capitis m .
31. Longissimus capitis and cervicis mm.
32. Levator scapulae m.
33. Infraspinatus m.
34. Scapular spine
35. Supraspinatus m.
36. Teres minor m.
37. Triceps brachii m.
38. Trapezius m.
39. Clavicle
40. Vertebra, C6 transverse process
41. Humeral head, capsule
42. Scapula, acromion process
43. Deltoid m.
44. Middle scalene m.

45. Dorsal root ganglion, C5
46. Internal carotid a., bifurcation from common carotid a.
47. Vertebral a.
48. External carotid a., bifurcation from common carotid a.
49. Anterior scalene m. and hyoid bone, greater horn
50. Superior laryngeal nerves (external and internal brs.) and hyoid br. of lingual a.
51. Retromandibular v.
52. Hyoglossus m.
53. Submandibular gland
54. Platysma m.
55. Aryepiglottic fold
56. Superior thyroid a. and v. and superior laryngeal nerve
57. Hyoid bone, lesser horn
58. Mylohyoid m.
59. Digastric (anterior belly) m.
60. Epiglottic cartilage
61. Hyoid bone
62. Transversus linguae m.
63. Mandible

This section passes through the mandible (63), hyoid bone (5, 49, 57, 61), submandibular gland (4, 53), laryngopharynx (1), sixth cervical vertebra (23), trapezius muscle (18, 38), scapular spine (20, 34), humeral head (14), and clavicle (16, 39). The hyoid bone with its greater and lesser horns (49, 57) and the epiglottic cartilage (60) are seen.

Note the cervical enlargement of the spinal cord (28). The cervical enlargement results from the accumulation of neurons and their processes, which form the brachial plexus of nerves supplying the arm, forearm, and hand. In the thoracic region the spinal cord becomes smaller in diameter.

The vertebral arteries (11,47) are entering the transverse foramina of the sixth cervical vertebra. The vertebral artery enters the sixth foramina in about 87% of cases, the seventh foramina in 5%, and the fifth foramina in about 7%.

Identifiable neck muscles include levator scapulae (32), longissimus capitis and cervicis (31), semispinalis capitis (30), multifidus (29), anterior (49) and middle (13, 44) scalenes, and sternocleidomastoid (9).

Muscles of the shoulder region include trapezius (18, 38), deltoid (15, 43), triceps brachii (17, 37), teres minor (36), supraspinatus (35), and infraspinatus (33).

The spine of the scapula (20, 34), acromion process of scapula (42), clavicle (16), and humeral heads (14, 41) are seen. The transverse cervical artery and vein and the spinal accessory nerve are seen entering the trapezius muscle (22).

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