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Anatomy Atlases: Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section: Section 1. Head and Neck

Atlas of Human Anatomy in Cross Section: Section 1. Head and Neck

Plate 1.13

Ronald A. Bergman, Ph.D., Adel K. Afifi, M.D., Jean J. Jew, M.D., and Paul C. Reimann, B.S.
Peer Review Status: Externally Peer Reviewed

Plate 1.13

Upper Left Quadrant

Lower Left Quadrant

Lower Right Quadrant

Upper Right Quadrant

1. Falx cerebri
2. Frontal sinus
3. Optic chiasma
4. Infundibular stork of hypophysis
5. Internal carotid a.
6. Frontal lobe
7. Basilar a.

8. Hippocampus
9. Parietomastoid suture
10. Basis pontis
11. Superior cerebellar peduncle (brachium conjunctivum)
12. Fourth ventricle
13. Confluence of sinuses

14. Anterior (superior) medullary velum
15. Locus ceruleus
16. Greater occipital nerve
17. Parietosquamosal suture
18. Mastoid air cells

19. Superficial temporal a. and v.
20. Temporal lobe
21. Amygdaloid nucleus
22. Middle cerebral a., brs.
23. Temporalis m.
24. Middle cerebral a.
25. Orbital fat
26. Superior rectus m.
27. Frontal bone
28. Internal carotid a.

In this section, the frontal lobes (6) are separated by the falx cerebri (1) in the interhemispheric fissure. The frontal sinus (2) is seen in the frontal bone (27). In the orbital cavity, the superior rectus muscle (26) and orbital fat (25) are seen. The middle cerebral artery (24) and branches (22) are in the lateral (sylvian) fissure between the frontal (6) and temporal (20) lobes. Within the temporal lobe (20), the amygdaloid nucleus (21) and hippocampus (8) are seen. The optic chiasma (3) is seen between the internal carotid arteries (5, 28). Caudal to the optic chiasma is the infundibular stalk of the hypophysis (4). The basilar artery (7) lies in a groove on the inferior surface of the basis pontis (10). The fourth ventricle (12) is seen dorsal to the pons (10). The superior cerebellar peduncle (brachium conjunctivum) (11) forms the lateral wall of the fourth ventricle (12), and the anterior (superior) medullary velum (14) forms its roof. On each side of the fourth ventricle (12) within the pons is a pigmented nucleus, the nucleus locus ceruleus (15). The confluence of the sinuses (13) is seen within the dura mater in the interhemispheric space posteriorly. The mastoid air cells (18) are seen. The parietosquamosal (17) and parietomastoid (9) sutures are seen. Outside the cranial cavity, the following structures are seen: temporalis muscle (23), superficial temporal artery and vein (19), and greater occipital nerve (16).

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