Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus V: Skeletal Systems
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
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Right temporal bone of a man. a, Peculiar spine arising from temporal bone; a, root; b, spine. |
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Superior row of bones in the left carpus of a male corpse. a, Os scaphoid, bipartite; b, os lunatum; c, os triquetrum; d, os pisiforme; e, bone fragment from dorsal end of the divided part of the scaphoid bone. Authors' note: O'Rahilly (see wrist) reported finding a bipartite scaphoid only once in 743 roentgenograms (0.13%). O'Rahilly summarized on extensive literature by saying that most cases of divided scaphoid are traumatic in origin, with most workers also conceding that a few reported instances are congenital. |
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Musculus thyro-esophagus. Pharynx with adnexea. a, M. thyro-esophagus; b,b', lobes ofthe thyroid gland; c, suspensory ligament of the thyroid gland; d, esophagus. |
From Gruber, W. Eigenthümlicher stielförmiger Fortsatz der Schläfenbeinschuppe. Arch. Pathol. Anat. Physiol. Klin. Med. 69:389-387, 1877; Os naviculare carpi bipartitum. Ibid. 69:391-396, 1877; and über das neue Anheftungsbündel des Oesophagus an die Glandula thyreoidea - Musculus thyreo-oesophagus. Ibid. 69:396-398, 1877.
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