Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Part V: Skeletal Systems
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Figure 58:Lisfance'sche joint line. (tarsometatarsal joint). Dorsal view. Small bowing from the cuboid to cuneiform III.
Figure 59: Tarsometatarsal joint line. Dorsal view. Thinck bend crossing from the cuboid to metatarsal III.
Figure 60:Tarsometatarsal joint line. Dorsal view. Thick bend crossing from cuboid to cuneiform III. Coalescent talonavicular (pathologic?).
Figure 61: Special lower facet in the tarsometatarso I articulation. Distal joint surface of cuneiform I.
a: Rightb:Left
Figure 62:Os Vesalianum: the tubeosity of metatarsal V arises broodly over the cuboid.
Figure 63:Os Vesalianum: the tuberosity metatarsal V articulates in a special facet with the cuboid.
Figure 64:Os Vesalianum: the tuberosity metatarsal V articulates in a special facet with the cuboid.
Figure 65: Os Vesalianum set beyond a sharp furrow.
Figure 66:Articulation of intermetatarsum I/II.
a:Metatarsal I.b:Metatarsal II. x = facet of the intermetatarsal joint.
Figure 67: Articulation of intermetatarsum I/II. Proximal end of metatarsal I: the joint surface for cuneiform I is in a dorsal (d) and a plantar (pl) half is decayed; fibula next to the dorsal half of the facet. x - for the intermetatarsal joint.
Figure 68: Coalescence talocalcaneus. Talus and calcaneus in-situ, medial view. x = mouth of the anterior branch of the tarsal canal. y = accessory joint between talus and sustentaculum; z = coalescence off talus and posterior end of sustentaculum.
Figure 74: Supplement to tafel XIV. Synostosis between intercuneiform II/III.
a:Proximal.b: Distal view.
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