Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Part V: Skeletal Systems
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Figure 28:Cuboides secondarium.
a:Right cuboid with cuboides secondarium; x = Joint surface for the head of the talis.b:Calcaneus (calc.) and cuboid (cub.) in-situ, cauboides secondarius with fused cuboid; x = joint surface of the cuboid secondarius for the head of the talus.
c: Left naviculare without cuboid.
Figure 29:Cuboides secondarium. Fused with the navicular.
a:Proximal surface; x = joint surface for the head of the talus.b: Distal surface.
Figure 30:Right navicualr with cuboides secondarium. x = special facette of the head of the talus. Cub. sec. = cuboides secondarium; Nav. = navicular.
Figure 31:Right navicular without cuboides secondarium. The latter is fused with the cuboid. Nav. = navicular.
Figure 32:Bipartite cuneiform I.
a:Both pieces in-situ.b: The contact surface; partly joint surface, partly the coalescent surface. Cun. I dors. = dorsal surface cuneiform I.; cun I plant. = plantar surface of cuneiform I.
Figure 33:Bipartite cuneiform I. Medial surface.
Figure 34:Navicualr with four wedge-shaped facets, with the first two joined. Id. = Facet for the dorsal half; I pl = Facet for the plantar half.
Figure 35:Cuneiform I imperfectly bipartite. Medial surface.
Figure 36:Cuneiform I imperfectly bipartite. Medial surface.
Figure 37:Special lower facet in the tarso-metatarsal joint.
a:Distal surface of cuneiform Ib:Proximal surface of metatarsal I; x = lower facet.
Figure 38: Pars peronea metatarsal I. Fibulo-plantar view. x = Pars peronea.
Figure 39:Coalescence of cuneiform-metatarsal III.
a:Right weak.b:Left strong; coalescence surface. Tibial surface.
Figure 40:Coalescence of cuneiform-metatarsal III.
a:Right synostosis.b:Left coalescence. x = Place of fusion. Tibial surface.
Figure 41:Uncinate process of cuneiform IV. Fibular surface.
Figure 42:Cuneiform III of a house cat.
a:With an uncinate process.b:With isolated os uncinate.
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