Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus IV: Organ Systems: Female Genital System
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
The most important variations are related to defective development and imperfect fusion of the component müllerian ducts, which are often associated with anomalies of the uterus. When these ducts fail to reach the urogenital sinus, the vagina (and often the uterus) may be absent.
Vaginal agenesis was first described by Realdus Columbus in 1572. Duplication, more or less complete, follows persistence of separate or imperfectly fused müllerian ducts. The doubling may not extend throughout the length of the vagina, but may be represented by an imperfect and partial septum, isolated bands, or a twin hymen.
Unequal development of the müllerian ducts accounts for the marked asymmetry occasionaly seen, notably in double vaginae, in which one canal may be very rudimentary, end blindly, or be essentially normal but doubled throughout.
A doubled vagina may be associated with a single uterus, although this condition is usually found in cases of doubled or bipartite uteri. In some instances, the cervices are doubled.
The vagina may be markedly foreshortened.
Reports of the vagina opening into the urethra, bladder, or rectum, or onto the abdominal wall in adults are very rare.
Pregnancy in a case of an anovaginal orifice (i.e., lack of a normal external vaginal opening) has been reported.
Double Vagina and Double Uterus
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