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Anatomy Atlases: Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus IV: Organ Systems: Pancreas

Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus IV: Organ Systems: Digestive System and Spleen


Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD

Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed


One of the most interesting but rare variations of the pancreas is the condition known as the annular pancreas. The duodenum (usually its descending part) is surrounded by a ring of pancreatic tissue continous with the head of the pancreas. There may be a constriction of the duodenum at the location of the ring, with dilations above and below. It is generally considered that the ventral rudiment of the pancreas consists of a right and left part. The left part usually atrophies but may persist, or the right half may exhibit excessive growth and surround the pancreas. The duct contained in the ring joins the ductus pancreaticus near the duodenum.

The tail of the pancreas is sometimes bifid, and the part of the head lying behind the mesenteric vessels may be separate from the remainder of the gland, forming what is called the lesser (accessory) pancreas.

Various examples of an accessory pancreas have been described after the initial description by Klob in 1859. They may occur in the mesentery of the small intestine, the wall of the duodenum, the upper part of the jejunum, or more rarely, in the wall of the stomach, ileum, gallbladder, or spleen. They are generally situated either in the submucosa or the subserous coat, but may extend into the muscular layer. An accessory pancreas was found near the origin of the inferior mesenteric artery in an 11-year old boy. The size of these masses varies in diameter, from a few millimeters to 5cm and their own ducts. The masses may contain pancreatic islet cells. In a few cases, some pancreatic tissue has been found at the blind end of intestinal (Meckel's) diverticula. They may appear in any derivative of the foregut, from stomach to the ileal (Meckel's) diverticulum including the spleen and gallbladder, but not the large intestine. They are most common in the duodenum.

Pancreatic divisum occurs in development when the dorsal and ventral parts of the pancreas fail to fuse so that the drainage of the gland is mainly through the accessory papilla. It was found in 3/169 patients. In patients with recurrent pancreatitis the incidence was 25.6%/ 78 patients. Autopsy studies suggest that pancreas divisum is the most common congenital variation of the organ. Divided pancreas differs from the accessory in that a mass of the pancreas becomes separated from the main gland, connected only by a duct. This occurs most often in the region of the tail (sometimes extending into the spleen) or of the uncinate process, forming what is termed a "lesser pancreas." According to Anson, "Variations in the direction of the body are numerous. It may be transverse, ascending, or bent in various ways. Numerous variations in the ducts can be understood from their complicated development. The accessory pancreatic duct in the fetus is as large as the pancreatic duct, the preponderance of the latter being established later. The accessory duct in the adult may be larger than usual, and retain its primitive drainage, or even drain the entire gland in rare cases where the pancreatic duct is absent.

"A sphincteric arrangement of the muscle tissue at the end of the accessory pancreatic duct has been described (Helly). The accessory duct may be rudimentary or (rarely) absent. Similar variations occur in the pancreatic duct. Rarely the pancreas may open into the duodenum by three ducts. Abnormalities of the pancreas are often associated with duodenal diverticula."

Other studies of variations in the pancreatic ducts indicate that in as many as 40% of adults the accessory (Bernards' or Santorini's) duct is not functionally joined to the chief or primary pancreatic duct. In 15% of cases there is a dual drainage from both ducts, in 7% there is a dual drainage and a functional connection between the two ducts, and in 2% the accessory duct does not drain into the duodenum but into the primary duct.

Bidloo, 1685, first described the duodenal mucosal papilla common to both the bile and pancreatic ducts. Graaf, 1671, had previously reported that the pancreas might present two or even three ducts, contrary to prevailing opinion. A number of 17th century investigators involved in pancreatic structure are provided in the reference list. Following the work of Bidloo, Haller, Tiedemann, Bécourt, Bernard, and Langerhans reported variations in the duct systems.

Image 20 Embryological development of the pancreas

Image 21 Pancreatic Ducts

Image 22 Pancreatic and Common Bile Ducts

Image 23 Annular Pancreas

Image 24 Annular Pancreas

Image 93 Accessory Pancreas


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