Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus IV: Organ Systems: Digestive System and Spleen
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
The position of the duodenum does not vary greatly. The third part of the duodenum generally crosses in front of the third lumbar vertebra, and not infrequently it is as low as the fourth; it rarely comes into relation with the fifth lumbar (three of 337 subjects). In four cases the duodenum ended on the right side of the vertebral column.
The duodenum may be duplicated and duodenal diverticula are not uncommon. They are usually single, consist of all the coats of the intestine, and project from the concave side of the duodenum and, consequently, toward the pancreas.
The duodenum is one part of the alimentary canal that, during embryonic life, is liable to physiologic occlusion by proliferation of its epithelial lining. This may persist as an atresia or become the focus of a stenosis.
Megalo-duodenum has been reported.
Anomalous pancreatic nodules have been found in the wall of the duodenum.
Anderson, J.H. (1922-23) Abnormalities of the duodenum. Brit. J. Surg. 10:316-321.
Baggenstoss, A.H. (1938) Major duodenal papilla: Variations of pathological interest and lesions of the mucosa. Arch. Pathol. 26:853-868.
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Barnes, F.L. (1933) Diverticulosis of the duodenum: With report of a case in fourth portion of duodenum. Am. J. Surg. 20:328-340.
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Feldman, M. and T. Weinberg. (1952) Aberrant pancreas: A cause of duodenal syndrome. JAMA 148:893-898.
Fisher, H.C. (1950) Duplication of the intestinal tract in infants. Arch. Surg. 61:957-974.
Friedman, S. (1946) The position and mobility of the duodenum in the living subject. Am. J. Anat. 79:147-165.
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Grönroos, H. (1894) über einen Fall abnormer Lagerung des Darmkanals beim Erwachsenen. Anat. Anz. 9:89-103.
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Saunders, J.B. de C.M. and H.H. Lindner. (1940) Congenital anomalies of the duodenum. Ann. Surg. 112:321-338.
Thompson, M.W. and S.W. Labow. (1967) Duplication of the duodenum in the adult. Arch. Surg. 94:301-306.
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Zenker, F.A. (1861) Nebenpancreas in der Darmwand. Arch. Pathol. Anat. Physiol. Klin. Med. 21:369-376.
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