Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus IV: Organ Systems
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
1 |
Thyroid cartilage |
2 |
heart |
3 |
lungs |
4 |
diaphragm |
5 |
liver |
6 |
stomach |
7 |
duodenum |
8 |
jejunum |
9 |
ascending colon |
10 |
bladder |
a |
pulmonary trunk |
a' |
right pulmonary trunk |
a'' |
left pulmonary trunk |
b |
aortic arch |
c |
innominate artery |
d, d' |
right and left carotid |
e, e' |
right and left subclavian artery |
f |
superior vena cava |
g, g' |
right and left innominate vein |
h, h' |
right and left internal jugular vein |
i, i' |
right and left subclavian vein |
k, k' |
right and left vagus |
l, l' |
right and left phrenic nerve |
m |
cecum |
n |
ascending colon |
o |
transverse colon |
p |
descending colon |
q |
sigmoid flexure |
r |
rectum |
s |
bigurcation of aorta |
t, t' |
right and left common iliac artery |
u |
inferiour vena cava |
v, v' |
right and left common iliac vein |
d, d' |
inferiour thyroid vein |
b |
ligamentum arteriosum |
g |
recurrent laryngeal of right vagus |
d |
lingula of superior lobe |
e |
ligamentum teres |
h |
vermiform appendix |
From Gruber, W. über das vorkommen eines Mesenterium commune für das Jejuno-Ileum und die gröBere Anfangshälfte des Dickdarmes bei seitlicher Transposition der Viscera aller Rumpfhöhlen. Resultate aus den bis jetzt gemachten Beobachtungen seitlicher Transposition der Viscera aller Rumpfhöhlen zugleich, oder jener der Bauch- und Becken-höhle. Arch. Anat. Physiol. Wissen. Med.1865, pp. 558-569.
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