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Anatomy Atlases: Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus III: Nervous System: Brain: Brain Weight

Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus III: Nervous System : Brain


Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD

Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed

The brain usually weighs between 1200 and 1400 grams.

It has been reported that the brain of Anatole France (French writer and Nobel Laureate) weighed 1040 gms. The brain weights (in grams) of some other notable individuals are: Ivan Turgenieff, (Russian novelist, dramatist, and short story writer) 2012; Georges Léopold Chrétien Cuvier (French zoologist and geologist) 1830; John Abercrombie, 1786; William Makepeace Thackeray (English novelist) 1658; Immanuel Kant (German metaphysician, philosopher) 1600; Spurzheim, 1559; Dirichlet, 1520; Daniel Webster, (American statesman, lawyer, and orator) 1518; Leonhard Fuchs (German physician and botanist) 1500; Alex Agassiz (Swiss-American zoologist and geologist) 1495; Karl Friedrich Gauss (German mathmatician and Astronomer) 1491; Hermann Ludwig Helmholz (German scientist, physicist, biologist, physician and philosopher) 1440; Baron Guillaume Dupuytren (French surgeon) 1437; Dante Alighieri (Italian poet) 1420; Freiherr von der Colmar Goltz (Prussian general and military historian) 1395; Baron von Justus Liebig (German Chemist) 1352; Friedrich Tiedemann (German physician and anatomist) 1253; Albert Einstein (Physicist) 1230; Baron George Eugène Hausmann (French civil official and city planner) 1225; and - Gall (Scientist) 1198.

Sir william Osler is reported to have said that his brain would not appear to be different from the average. He was subsequently proved to be correct in this assumption.


Féré, Ch. (1882) Anomalie asymétrique du cerveau. Bulletins et Mem. de la Société Anatomique de Paris LVII(12):519-520.

Henle, J. 1868 Handbuch der Systematischen Anatomie des Menschen, von Friedrich Vieweg und Sohn, Braunschweig.

Jackson, C.M., Ed. 1933 Morris' Human Anatomy, 9th ed. P. Blakiston's Son & Co, Inc. Philadelphia.

Keith, A. 1927 The brain of Anatole France. Br. Med. J. 2:1048-1049.

Kopsch, F. 1908 Rauber's Lehrbucb der Anatomie des Menschen. Georg Thieme, Leipzig.

LeBon, G. (1878) Recherches experimentales sur les variatins de volume du cerveau et du crâne. Bull. et Mém. de la Soc. d'Anthrop. de Paris 1:310-315.

LeBon, G. (1879) Sur la capacité du crâne d'un certain nombre d'hommes célébres. Bull. de la Soc. d'Anthrop de Paris 2:492-503

Laboucq, G. 1927 Rapport entre le poids du cerveau humain et son éncore. Assoc. Anatomistes Comptes Rendus 21:139-144.

Laterjet, A. 1948 Testut's Traite d'Anatomie Humaine, 9th ed., G. Doin & Cie., Paris.

Schaefer, E.A., Symington, J. and T.H. Bryce, Eds. 1915 Quain's Anatomy, 11th ed., London.

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