Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus III: Nervous System
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
C (cubital): Ulnar nerve
M: Median nerve
Ao: Straight oblique anastomosis
Fig 2.
AN: Anastomoses forming an anse (loop).
alpha: Branch of two medial heads of the common flexor profundus,
fourth and fifth digits.
beta: Branch to the middle head, middle finger.
P: Ramus to flexor carpi radialis (grand palmaire)
Fig 3.
1': Branch to the lateral head of flexor digitorum profundus.
1: Branch that descends into the lateral and middle head, its
distribution to both.
Figs 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 continued.
Common legends of these figures. Fig. VII bis is not dissociated from figure VII.
C: Ulnar nerve.
M: Median nerve
CIP: Medial collateral of the little finger.
CEP: Lateral collateral of the little finger.
CIA:Medial collateral of the ring finger.
CEA: Lateral collateral of the ring finger.
CIM: Medial collateral of the middle finger.
AN: Palmer anastomosis
alpha: Cutaneous branches of the region of the palm and middle
beta: Cutaneous branches to the ring finger.
gamma: Cutaneious branches to the space between the fourth and fifth
delta: Cutaneous branch to the fifth digit.
P: Cutnaneous branch to the palm of the hand.
1: Three branches of the median nerve to form the anastomosis.
Cutris, F. ( 1886) L'anastomose du Médian et du Cubital.
International Monatschrit für Anatomie und Histologie (Leipzig)
3:309 -324.
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