Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus III: Nervous System
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
A: Formation of the median nerve. Relationship of axillary artery to the median nerve.
B: Variation in branching between the musculocutaneous nerve and the median nerve.C: Doubled musculocutaneous nerve. 1, Ventral-lateral fasciculus (lateral cord); 2, ventro-medial fasciculus (medial cord); 3, branch from lateral cord to form median nerve; 4, branch from medial cord to form median nerve; 5, musculocutaneous nerve; 6, uInar nerve; 7, branches for m. coracobrachialis; 8, branches for m. biceps brachii; 9, branches for m. brachialis; 10, cutaneous branch of musculocutaneous nerve (lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm); 11, median nerve.
D: Short musculocutaneous nerve. In this case the lateral cutaneous nerve of the forearm (10) arose from the median nerve.E: Absence of the musculocutaneous nerve. 1, Medial cord; 2, lateral cord; 3, branch from the medial cord to form the median nerve; 4, uInar nerve;,5, branch for m. coracobrachialis; 6. branch for m. biceps brachii; 7, branch for m. brachialis; 8, lateral cutaneous nerve of forearm of musculocutaneous nerve; 9, median nerve.
F: Variations in the musculocutaneous nerve. 1, Clavicle; 2, coracoid process; 3, lateral cord; 4, medial cord; 5, Musculocutaneous nerve; 6, ulnar nerve; 7, median nerve; 8, m. coracobrachialis; 9, m. biceps brachii, short head; 10, m. biceps brachii, long head; 11, lateral-medial anastomoses between the musculocutaneous and median nerves; 12, medial-lateral anastomosis between the median and musculocutaneous nerves; 13, m. brachialis; 14, lacertus fibrosus of m. biceps brachii; 15, posterior cord.
From Buch-Hansen, K. über Varietäten des Nervus medianus und des Nervus musculocutaneus und deren Beziehungen. Anat. Anz. 102:187-203, 1955-56.Section Top | Title Page
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