Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus I: Muscular System: Alphabetical Listing of Muscles: P
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Macalister reported the variations in peroneus longus as follows:
In regard to peroneus brevis Macalister provides the following:
Macalister described the peroneus digiti quinti as a small muscle:
Peroneus accessorius (peroneus quartus) is a slip arising high up on the fibula between the long and short peroneal muscles and joining the tendon of the longus in the sole of the foot. Another detached slip, which arises from the proximal part of the fibula and attaches to the fibular malleolus, the peroneal process of the calcaneus, or the lateral ligament of the the ankle, is probably a separated portion of peroneus longus. However, it may represent a peroneus digiti V superior or longus, such as seen in catarrhine monkeys. There are other slips that arise from the lower part of the fibula behind peroneus brevis and are attached to the lateral aspect of the calcaneus, to the cuboid, or into the dorsal digital expansion of the fifth toe. These are vestiges of a muscle, the extensor digiti quinti brevis, which appears in complete form in very rare cases. A case has been reported of concomitant peroneus brevis, peroneus digiti IV, and peroneus digiti V.
Peroneus brevis and longus are probably represented in the forearm by the extensor carpi ulnaris.
Syn.: P.B., m. Peroneus anticus s. secundus s. medius. semifibularis, moyen péronier. P.L., m. Peroneus primus s. posticus.
Four Peronei in a Leg.
Two supernumerary peronei were found for the first time. One of these
muscles arose between the two common peronei and inserted onto the
peroneal trochlea of the os calacaneus. The second arose beneath
peroneus brevis and its tendon inserted into the dorsal digital
expansion of the fifth toe.
from R. Reimann, 1979.
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