Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus I: Muscular System: Alphabetical Listing of Muscles: G
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
The gastrocnemius is frequently joined by a separate fascicle or head known as the third head of gastrocnemius. It arises from some part of the popliteal surface of the femur. Caput tertium may also arise from the linea aspera, long head of biceps femoris, lateral epicondyle, knee joint capsule, midfibula, and the crural fascia. The third head may "split" and arise from more than one location or divide near its termination to join both heads of gastrocnemius. The third head may or may not cross popliteal neurovascular structures or some portions of the neurovascular component before insertion into one head, or the other, of gastrocnemius or its tendon. A third head joining the medial head of gastrocnemius is most commonly cited as causing clinical problems; the lateral head may also be involved.The conditions of intermittent claudication, arterial stasis and aneurysm, venous stasis, and impaired nerve function must have had a long undescribed clinical history before being discovered by Hamming. The third head is the most common variation of the gastrocnemius muscle and it has been studied extensively over a period of almost 200 years. Kelch (1813) is generally cited as the first to report the third head. The third head commonly joins the medial head of gastrocnemius and the third head, regardless of which head of gastrocnemius it joins, it has an overall frequency of 2.9 to 5.5%. Mori reported it present in 2.8% of his cases. The third head may be a potential problem for structures in the popliteal fossa as illustrated by Frey in 1919 and reproduced here. It is remarkable that the first clinical report was not published until 1959 (Hamming). There is no evidence from the literature that this is a familial variation but this needs further study.The plantaris muscle itself can be the third head. The plantaris may become the third head and may join gastrocnemius at the point where the medial and lateral heads separate, or may become continuous with the fascia beneath the muscle. It has also been seen passing between the popliteal artery and nerve.
Absence of the lateral head of gastrocnemius and its reduction to a fibrous cord has been reported.In some cases the two heads of gastrocnemius may be unjoined until their insertion onto the calcaneus and with separation from soleus. The absence of the tibial head of soleus has been reported. An accessory muscular slip (soleus accessorius) may arise from the soleal line with the soleus or be detached from the muscle distally. It lies between the soleus tendo achillis (externally or laterally) and flexor hallucis longus (internally or medially). It ends on the tendo achillis, or it may have a separate attachment on the medial surface of the calcaneus or tibial collateral ligament of the ankle.
Additional slips are
Peroneotibialis was found in 128 of 680 limbs; it usually occurs bilaterally, but, when unilateral, is more frequently found in the right limb. Either or both heads of gastrocnemius may be doubled, the lateral head may be absent.
Soleus may be doubled or absent.
Macalister reported the variations of gastrocnemius as follows;
The variations of soleus according to Macalister follows.
Syn.: m. Gastroc. and soleus; triceps surae, surales, extensor pedis (Theile), Wadenmuskel, mm. gemelli.
Gastroc.: gastrocnemius externus, Jumeaux.
Soleus : gastrocnemius internus, Sohlenmuskel or correctly
Schollenmuskel (Henle), Soléaire
Absence of the lateral head of Gastrocnemius
from Shepard, 1880
Gastrocnemius tertius
1a.: The CT scan on the left reveals an asymmetrical muscle mass
(arrows) in the right popliteal fossa. The muscle mass joins the
medial head of the right gastrocnemius muscle. 1b.: On the right side
is a diagrammatic representation of the third head (*) of
gastrocnemius that was redrawn form Chudzinski, 1882). The cut lines
U, M, L correspond to the CT images shown on the left side. LH;
Lateral head of gastrocnemius, MH; Medial head of gastrocnemius.
Twelve varieties of the third head of gastrocnemius
(redrawn from Frey, H., 1919)
Medial; Medial head of gastrocnemius to the left side. Lateral; Lateral head of gastrocnemius to the right side.
Note: The neurovascular bundle in the popliteal fossa is, in part or entirely, potentially vulnerable in types 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, and 11 shown above.
Gastrocnemius tertius in a living subject
Accessory Soleus
Compare this muscle with Flexor Accessorius Longus.
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