Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus I: Muscular System: Alphabetical Listing of Muscles: E
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Wood reported a hand with tendons doubled to the second, third and fifth fingers. The fleshy part of the muscle may consist of two to four bellies, one for each tendon of insertion. Tendinous slips may leave the muscle and join those of extensor Indicis or extensor pollicis longus. The head to the second finger was found arising from extensor carpi radialis brevis, and another head supplied the third finger (Henle).
Mori provides statistical data on the condition of the terminal tendon of extensor digitorum as follows:
The tendon for the third digit is doubled in 2.5%.
The tendon for the fourth digit is doubled in 5.0%.
The tendon for the fifth digit is doubled in 12.5%.
The tendons of the second and fourth digits are doubled in 2.5%.
The tendons of the fourth and fifth digits are doubled in 2.5%.
The tendons of the third, fourth, and fifth digits are doubled in
The tendons of the third and fifth digits are doubled in 2.5% of
Mori's cases.
The absence of junctura tendinea:
The junctura tendinae may be absent between the index and middle
fingers, 10.0%; may be absent between the ring and little fingers,
2.5%; may be absent between the middle and ring fingers 10%. The
terminal tendon for the little finger may be absent in 4% of
Macalister observations complement those of Mori as follows: Extensor communis digitorum:
Extensor Digitorum Communis Supplying Index, Middle, and Ring
Fingers as a single unit.
from Vesalius, Fabricus, 1543, in Straus, Jr. and Temkin.
Extensor Medii Proprius.
from Vesalius, Fabricus, 1543, in Straus, Jr. and Temkin.
Doubled Extensor Digiti Medii.
from Calori.
Extensor digiti medii longus and brevis.
from Calori
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