Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus I: Muscular System: Alphabetical Listing of Muscles: B
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
A biceps may be composed of 1 to 5 heads. In one small study of 18 subjects, an accessory head was found six times, and a fourth head was found once. The variations appeared three times on the right side, two times on the left and one time on the both sides.The most common accessory slip is one arising from the humerus at the insertion of coracobrachialis, extending between it and the brachialis muscle. It joins the short head, but most of its fibers join the semilunar fascia. It may be isolated and terminate entirely in the fascia. Mori described various origins of the third or accessory head as follows: In 50 arms there were 10 (20%) arms with a third head of the biceps. The origins of these additional heads were:
The two other accessory heads are rare and take several different forms. When fully developed, they arise close together from the neck of the humerus, below the lesser tubercle and behind the pectoral tendon to which they may be more or less joined. The more lateral of the two slips joins the long head of the muscle, whereas the medial joins the short head.
In other instances, the two heads of the biceps muscle may be totally separate or fused and either head may be absent. In the absence of the long head, the tendon may be found arising from the bicipital groove, one of the tubercles, the capsule of the joint, or the tendon of pectoralis major. The tendon may be doubled or it may be represented only by the lacertus.
The lacertus, which may be doubled, may compress the median nerve as found in the anterior interosseous nerve syndrome. An accessory slip may arise from the deltoid muscle. At the distal end of the biceps muscle, various muscular or tendinous slips have been described connecting biceps to the lower end of the humerus, the ulna, radius, antebrachial fascia, or neighboring muscles. Thereby, supernumerary heads may also arise from brachialis, brachioradialis, or the fascia or fibers of the pronator teres muscle. da Silva Leal summarized the entire literature to 1926 and reported that supernumerary heads of the biceps occur in about 10% of individuals (148 reports in 1453 individuals).
Also a fleshy slip may also arise from the medial border of biceps and pass to the medial intermuscular septum or medial epicondyle over the brachial artery. The brachial artery may actually pass through this slip or its tendon. This is a potential entrapment site for the brachial artery. Other fascicles have been reported passing to brachialis, pronator teres, flexor carpi radialis, flexor digitorum profundus, or to the lateral side of brachioradialis.
The long head of biceps may be perforated by a duplicated musculocutaneous nerve.
Macalister (1875) reported the variations of biceps brachii as follows;
Split Terminal tendon of Biceps and Palmaris Longus
from Calori, 1867.
Third Head of Biceps Brachii.
from Barrett.
Third Head of Biceps Brachii.
from Calori, 1866a.
A Humeral Third Head of Biceps Brachii.
source unknown to authors.
Fourth Head of Biceps Brachii.
source unknown to authors.
Fifth Head of Biceps Brachii.
from de Burlet and Correlijé.
Irregular Muscle Attachments Located on the Humerus.
from Jackson.
Irregular Muscle Slip Joining Biceps Brachii Arising from the
Brachial Fascia Covering Triceps Brachii.
The muscular slip crosses over the median nerve, the brachial artery,
and the superior ulnar collateral artery. This arrangement may
compromise the functioning of nerve and arteries.
from Calori, 1868.
Third Head of Biceps Brachii with Accessory Bicipital
Slightly modified from Spinner, Carmichael, and Spinner.
Expansive Lacertus Fibrosus Entrapping the Ulnar
from Calori, 1866a.
Union between Biceps Brachii and Pronator Teres.
Source unknown to authors.
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