Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Part 1: Muscular System
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Varieties of Palmaris Longus.
from Reimann, et al.
Varieties of Palmaris Longus.
from Reimann, et al.
Varieties of Palmaris Longus.
from Reimann, et al.
Varieties of Palmaris Longus.
from Gruber, 1868, 1872.
Varieties of Palmaris Longus.
from Gruber, 1868, 1872.
Varieties of Palmaris longus.
from Gruber, 1868, 1872.
Doubled Palmaris Longus with a Flexor Digiti Minimi
from Saadeh and Bergman.
Palmaris longus substituting for the ring finger slip of flexor
digitorum superficialis.
Labaratory specimen, University of Iowa.
From Cassell and Bergman. (1990)
Musculus comitans nervi mediani s. palmaris profundus
Musculus Comitans Nervi Mediani s. Palmaris Profundus
from Sahinoglu, et al.
Palmaris longus with and associated accessorius as flexorem
digiti minimi muscle.
From Calori, 1867
from Calori.
Varieties of Sternalis Muscle.
from Turner, 1867.
Pectoralis Major
(Leonardo da Vinci)
Pectoralis Major
Variation by a natural developmental division of the muscle into its
"primative parts." compare this illustration with that of Leonardo
(above) and note the similarity.
After Huntington.
Axillary Arch, Pectoralis Quartus, and Sternalis.
from Huntington, 1905
Tensor Semivaginae.
from Huntington, 1905.
Pectoralis Major and Infraspinatohumeralis (upper left)
from Leonardo da Vinici
from Calori, 1867.
from Perrin, 1871a.
Chondroepitrochlearis and Dorsoepitrochlearis
from Perrin, 1871a
M. costoepitrochlearis and the absence of the manubrial,
sternal, and costal heads of pectoralis major.
from Griffith, 1902
Note the absence of the manubrial, sternal, and costal portions of pectoralis major in the illustrations on the right and left sides of this figure(the illustration of the individual in the center has a congenital absence of the penis).
Chondrocoracoideus (Wood)
from Calori, 1867
A Case of Doubled Pectoralis Quartus, Axillary Arch and
AA, axillary arch; BNVD, brachial neurovascular bundle; CD,
chondroepitrochlearis; LD, latissimus dorsi; PM, pectoralis major;
and PQ, pectoralis quartus.
from Bergman.
Four Peronei in a Leg.
Two supernumerary peronei were found for the first time. One of these
muscles arose between the two common peronei and inserted onto the
peroneal trochlea of the os calacaneus. The second arose beneath
peroneus brevis and its tendon inserted into the dorsal digital
expansion of the fifth toe.
from R. Reimann, 1979.
Doubled popliteus.
from Calori, 1866.
Popliteus Biceps.
from Gruber, 1875.
Doubled Popliteus.
from Gruber, 1877.
Radialis Internus Brevis Biceps, Cubitocarpeus, and
Supernumerary Head of Abductor Digiti Minimi.
n, radialis internus brevis biceps; n', larger head arose from the
radius; n", smaller supernumerary head arose from the forearm
aponeurosis; o, cubitocarpeus; p, supernumerary head of abductor
digiti minimi.
from Gruber, 1872c.
a,b, the two heads of cubitoradiocarpien. a, radial head; b, ulnar
head; c, tendon of this muscle, insertion in two parts; d, radial
eminence of the os trapezium, and e, palmar fascia of os
trapezoideum. from Calori.
Pronator Teres Third Head.
from Barrett.
Pronator Teres, Accessory Head from Brachialis.
A dissected specimen from the University of Iowa College of
Union of Biceps Brachii and Pronator Teres
source unknown to authors.
High Origin of Pronator Teres from Ligament of Struthers and
Supracondylar Process of Humerus.
These illustrate potential entrappment sites for the brachial artery
and the median nerve.
from Calori.
Psoas Minor, 1.
from Wagstaffe and Reid, 1875
Muscle Pubotransversalis.
1, os pubis superior ramus; 2, adminiculum lineae albae; 3, m. rectus
abdominis; 4, fascia transversalis; 5, inguinal canal; 6, inguinal
ligament; 7, horizontal interfoveolar ligament; and 8, m.
from Luschka.
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