Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Part 1: Muscular System
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
from Gruber, 1867
Duplication of Extensor Carpi Radialis Brevis and division of
its tendon (C), and Pisipalmaris (A,B).
Absence of Palmaris Longus.
Note that its the accessory muscle that inserts onto the bases of the
first and second metacarpal bones.
from Calori.
Extensor Digiti Quinti Proprius Muscle Tendon Supplies Both the
Fourth and Fifth Digits.
(Vesalius, Fabrica, 1543), from Straus, Jr. and Temkin.
Extensor Digitorum Communis Supplying Index, Middle, and Ring
Fingers as a single unit.
from Vesalius, Fabricus, 1543, in Straus, Jr. and Temkin.
Extensor Medii Proprius.
from Vesalius, Fabricus, 1543, in Straus, Jr. and Temkin.
Doubled Extensor Digiti Medii.
from Calori.
Extensor digiti medii longus and brevis.
from Calori
Extensor digiti medii brevis and extensor bicaudatus digiti medii et tertii. from Calori, 1867
Note the muscular slip (red) that extends from the tendon of
brachioradialis to the tendon (yellow)of abductor pollicis
From Calori.
Extensor pollicis et indicis.
from Calori.
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