Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Part 1: Muscular System
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Split Terminal tendon of Bicepsand Palmaris Longus
from Calori, 1867.
Third Head of Biceps Brachii.
from Barrett.
Third Head of Biceps Brachii.
from Calori, 1866a.
A Humeral Third Head of Biceps Brachii.
source unknown to authors.
Fourth Head of Biceps Brachii.
source unknown to authors.
Fifth Head of Biceps Brachii.
from de Burlet and Correlijé.
Irregular Muscle Attachments Located on the Humerus.
from Jackson.
Irregular Muscle Slip Joining Biceps Brachii Arising from the
Brachial Fascia Covering Triceps Brachii.
The muscular slip crosses over the median nerve, the brachial artery,
and the superior ulnar collateral artery. This arrangement may
compromise the functioning of nerve and arteries.
from Calori, 1868.
Third Head of Biceps Brachii with Accessory Bicipital
Slightly modified from Spinner, Carmichael, and Spinner.
Expansive Lacertus Fibrosus Entrapping the Ulnar
from Calori, 1866a.
Union between Biceps Brachii and Pronator Teres.
Source unknown to authors.
Irregular Muscle Fascicle from Brachioradialis to Antebrachial
Irregular fascicle crosses the radial artery and may compress it.
Palmaris Longus absent.
Incomplete superficial palmar arch.
from Calori, 1868.
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