Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Accessorius Abductor Digiti Quniti
Laboratory Specimen, University of Iowa
Accessorius Abductor Digiti Quinti
From Calori, 1868
Accessorius ad abductorem digiti minimi manus.
Note that the darkened muscle attached to the tendon of palmaris
longus, enters the hypothenar muscle mass. The muscle inserts by a
long thin tendon onto the base of the fifth metacarpal on its medial
side. The muscle traverses the canal of Guyon where it may compress
the ulnar artery and ulnar nerve.
From Calori,1868.
Pisiuncinatus (Pisohamatus)
See B: a, tendon of flexor carpi ulnaris; b, abductor digiti minimi;
c, flexor digiti minimi; d, opponens digiti minimi; e, pisiuncinatus
(pisohamatum); alpha, os pisiform; beta, hamulus ossis hamati.
from Gruber, 1875, 1881.
Variations of abductor pollicis longus tendons of
a, usual tendon of insertion at base of the first metacarpal;
b, tendinous slip to the greater multangular;
c, tendinous slip to abductor pollicis brevis; and
d, tendinous slip to opponens pollicis.
From Lacey, et al. (1951)
Accessory abductor pollicis longus.
An accessory muscular slip to abductor pollicis longus had its origin
from yhr tendon of brachioradialis.
from Calori, 1867
Axillary Arch and Sternalis muscles.
The axillary arch (blue dot) extends between pectoralis major (green
dots) and latissimus dorsi (red dot). Pectoralis minor (brown dot)
and a sternalis muscle (yellow dot) are also demonstrated. After
Wilder, H.H.: The History of the Human Body, Holt, New York, 1923.
From Gehry, K. (1903).
Axillary Arches
from Calori.
Axillary Arch.
from Tobler.
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