Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus II: Cardiovascular System: Arteries: Head, Neck, and Thorax
Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD
Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed
Quain reported a case where the maxillary artery provided two vessels that entered the cranial cavity (one branch through the foramen rotundum and the second through the foramen ovale) to compensate for the absence of the internal carotid. The maxillary artery itself may also be doubled.
Of surgical importance is the relationship of the maxillary artery to the lateral pterygoid muscle. The maxillary artery was found medial to the lateral pterygoid muscle in 30.5% of 180 dissections and lateral to the lateral pterygoid in 69.5%. In another study, the maxillary artery was deep (medial) to the lateral pterygoid in 46% of 447 specimens and superficial (lateral) to the lateral ptergoid in 54%.
In several instances the maxillary pierced the lower head of the lateral pterygoid
The anterior deep temporal branch of the maxillary sometimes exists as a temporobuccal trunk, which divides into the anterior deep temporal (behind the nerve of the same name) and buccal arteries.
The anterior deep temporal may substitute for the lacrimal artery.
The middle deep temporal branch of the maxillary may exist (16% of cases) as a temporomasseteric trunk, which gives rise to the middle deep temporal and a branch to the masseter muscle.
The number of branches arising from the maxillary artery is frequently reduced due to two or more taking origin by a common trunk. The middle meningeal artery occasionally furnishes the lacrimal, or even the ophthalmic artery, which may itself provide the middle meningeal. These peculiarities may be explained as resulting from enlargement of the usual anastomosing branch. The anterior deep temporal artery may reinforce or replace the lacrimal artery by a similar enlargement of an anastomosing branch. The buccal, posterior dental, or infraorbital artery may be larger than usual, supplying a deficiency of the facial artery.
External Maxillary:
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