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Anatomy Atlases: Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus II: Cardiovascular System: Bronchial Artery Derived from Celiac Trunk: Varition in Vertebral Artery and Circle of Willis: Absence of Confluens of Dural Sinuses: (Left sided Vermiform Appendix).

Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus II: Cardiovascular System

Bronchial Artery Derived from Celiac Trunk: Variation in Vertebral Artery and Circle of Willis: Absence of Confluens of Dural Sinuses: (Left sided Vermiform Appendix).

Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD

Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed

Image of bronchial artery derived from celiac trunk

A: a, Ileum; b, cecum; c, vermiform appendix (left side); d, ascending colon; e, part of the mesentery; f, mesentery of the appendix.

B: a, inferior extremity of the pharynx; b,b, esophagus; c, stomach; d, duodenum; e, fasting, or empty, intestine; f, liver; g, pancreas; h, spleen, i, trachea; k, bronchus on the left side; l, lung, bilobed on the right side; m, lung, trilobed on the left side; n, thyroid gland; o, diaphragm; p, diaphragmatic esophageal hiatus; r, brachiocephalic artery; s, common carotid, left side; t, subclavian artery on the left side; u, common carotid, right side; v, right subclavian artery; x, descending thoracic aorta; y, celiac trunk; z, splenic artery; &, hepatic artery; 1, celiac trunk; 2, left gastric artery; 3, branch of the celiac artery, passing through the esophageal hiatus, supplying the inferior medial part of the right lung; 4, varicosity of 3; 5,6,7, branches to the right lung; 8, superior mesenteric artery; 9, 10, internal jugular vein; 11, 12, subclavian vein; 13,14, azygos and hemiazygos veins; 15, inferior vena cava; 16, superior mesenteric vein; 17, splenic vein; 18, inferior mesenteric vein; 19, left gastric vein; 20, portal vein; 21, thoracic duct ending on the right side into the right subclavian vein

C: Variations of the arteries at the base of the brain, asymmetry. Variations in size of arteries forming an asymmetric circle of Willis. Imbalance in size of the vertebral arteries (9 and n). Anterior spinal artery arising from right vertebral.

D: Absence of confluens of sinuses. The superior sagittal sinus drains only into the left transverse sinus.

From Calori, L. Di una inversione splancnica generale nell'uomo accompagnata da alcuni notabili del capo con esso lei convenienti e da estranee anomalie. Mem. R. Accad, Sci. Istituto di Bologna S. 4 2:597-622, 1880.

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