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Anatomy Atlases: Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus II: Cardiovascular System: Anomalous Axillary Artery.

Illustrated Encyclopedia of Human Anatomic Variation: Opus II: Cardiovascular System

Anomalous Axillary Artery.

Ronald A. Bergman, PhD
Adel K. Afifi, MD, MS
Ryosuke Miyauchi, MD

Peer Review Status: Internally Peer Reviewed

Image of anomalous axillary artery

A: a, Subclavian artery, third part; b, axillary artery; d, division of axillary artery; e, medial branch (continuation of axillary artery); f, lateral branch, forming subscapular, circumflex humeral, profunda brachii, and circumflex scapular arteries; g, anterior circumflex humeral artery; h, division of lateral branch into subscapular and into posterior circumflex humeral and profunda brachii; i, circumflex scapular; l, thoracodorsal; p,q, a second and third lateral thoracic artery; r, brachial artery; s, t, u, division into ulnar (continuation of brachial) and radial arteries in arm; v, inferior ulnar collateral artery; 1, subclavicular part of brachial plexus; 2, musculocutaneous nerve; 3, two roots of median nerve separated by anomalous branch of axillary artery; 4, median nerve separated from ulnar nerve by anomalous branch of axillary artery; 5, median nerve branch to pronator teres; 6, ulnar nerve; 7, medial cutaneous nerve perforating brachial fascia; 8, radial nerve; 9, axillary nerve.

B: a, Third part of subclavian; b, axillary artery; c, acromial artery; d, lateral thoracic artery, superior; e, anomalous trunk giving rise to long thoracic, subscapular, and posterior circumflex humeral branches; g, subscapular artery; g2, posterior circumflex humeral artery; h, circumflex scapular artery; i, thoracodorsal artery; k, anomalous branch of axillary artery passing through lateral and medial cords of brachial plexus (p,q); l, anterior circumflex humeral artery; m, profunda brachii artery; n, subclavicular part of brachial plexus; o, musculocutaneous nerve; r, median nerve passing behind axillary artery; s, medial cutaneous nerve of forearm; t, ulnar nerve; u, radial nerve; v, axillary nerve.

From Calori, L. Sul variato rapporto vascolare delle due radici del nervo mediano e sulle condizioni atte a produrlo. Mem. Accad. Sci. Istituto di Bologna S. 3 8:443-456, 1877.

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